Home > Nice surprise from my mason

Nice surprise from my mason

October 7th, 2024 at 10:07 pm

I had my mason over here a few days ago to repair a crack in my foundation.  He had told me earlier it would cost "a couple hundred." I'd been trying all summer to get him over here, but I knew it was a small job and that he'd probably rather focus on the big jobs first.

I was just about ready to move on to someone else but he finally came through, sending his father, who is part of his crew, to do it.

I texted the mason later that day and asked him what I owed him. He said "No charge!" since I've referred him to others many, many times.  Yay!

That's helpful, since I have just $1300 left in checking and no idea when I'll get my CD from US Bank that matured Sept. 12. . I am so aggravated with them that I filed a complaint with the OCC (Office of the Controller of the Currency) as they are the ones that regulate this bank.

3 Responses to “Nice surprise from my mason”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    That's terrific! Kindness paid off when you least expected it.

  2. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    That's a great kindness

  3. Tabs Says:

    Sure is nice of him!

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