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Wednesday Words

July 25th, 2024 at 02:13 am

I called my Medigap insurer to see if my current gym is in their network for their "Active and Fit Direct" gym discount. Unfortunately, no. It's a small discount. I did submit my gym for consideration for their network.

It would have been nice, BUT. When I was choosing plans with my agent, this insurer was NOT the lowest cost for Medicare Plan N. (Once you choose a type of plan, which is lettered, all insurers by law must cover the same services; only the price is different.) The insurer with the lowest cost was not a company that my particular agent dealt with. The cheaper plan was cheaper by $11 a month ($132/yr, or $2,640 over the next 20 years). 

That amount of money is not a deal-breaker for me. I chose the higher priced plan simply because the agency I was working with provides a lot of value-added services beyond helping you sign up for your Medicare or Advantage plan and helping you do all the research involved with that. They also will help you dispute bills you don't think are accurate, which could be really helpful, among other things. So for that reason, I went with my current choice.

So next week I am making a presentation to my local Rotary Club about one of the groups I volunteer with, the litter cleanup group, so that they can partner with us, hopefully, to do a cleanup event in my town.  They will have a dinner meeting at a local restaurant. Since they didn't invite me to share a meal with them, I assume I will just go there to make my presentation and then leave, which is fine. Public speaking is something I avoided all my life, but I think I may have reached a point in my later years where I don't give a s*** what other people think of me, so I feel freer to say what I think, and I guess somehow that percolates down to making a public presentation.

So I am reading the huge Medicare & You 2024 to see what's covered, what's not. This, after learning they don't cover routine bloodwork during a physical. Medicare DOES cover cholersterol/lipid/trigylceride blood screenings for cardiovascular disease once every 5 years only. Interestingly, they only cover acupuncture for chronic low back pain. They only cover pelvic exams once every 2 years, not annually, unless you are high risk.

So I was driving home on backroads from somewhere and realized I'd be driving by a creamery that has the best ice cream in town. I made an impromptu turn into the parking lot when I saw relatively few people there. We actually have a Facebook page for people to report how long the line is. Today, there was no line! My father loves their coffee ice cream. He has to stick with sugar-free variety. They only have about 5 different sugar-free varieties, and they rotate the flavors around so you never know what they'll have. As luck would have it, today they had coffee. I got 5 pints for dad! And a pint of vegan mint cookie for me. Smile

He will be so surprised. He hasn't asked me all year for their ice cream, which is unusual. I think he knows I hate waiting in line.


2 Responses to “Wednesday Words”

  1. VS_ozgirl Says:

    It’s great when you get random surprises like no queues for something when there’s usually a line! Enjoy your ice cream.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Wonderful there was no line at the creamery -- it was like it was meant to be.

    I find the Medicare stuff confusing -- like it doesn't make sense not to cover wellness stuff such as blood tests. Fo guide, right?

    Hope you do well on the speech.

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