Home > Weekend visit

Weekend visit

June 11th, 2018 at 12:27 pm

I had Dido come up for the weekend and we had a nice visit. We crammed a fair amount of stuff into just 2 days.

I made a nice lunch for us when she arrived, and after that we strolled around the 4th annual Catherine Violet Hubbard Butterfly Party & Adoption Event. They had many dozens of rescue groups there trying to place everything from cats and dogs to bunnies, ducks and llamas.

After that, we walked over to the municipal center where there was an opening reception for an art show by a local woman who owns a vineyard in town.

I did a brief driving tour of my town, pointing out various points of interest.

We met my dad at home for drinks on my new patio, except that it was still a little too warm outside, so we settled for the kitchen table. Smile

Then it was off to dinner at the trendy new restaurant at the end of my street, right on Main Street. The chefs are British/Italian.

After saying goodbye to dad, we squeezed in a walk around my neighborhood.

Next day, we did a longer walk on the walking trails and hung around more and chit chatted before Dido headed home.

7 Responses to “Weekend visit”

  1. Debt-free by Thir-ty Says:

    That sounds like a wonderfully frugal weekend!

  2. HouseHopeful Says:

    That sounds like a fun weekend!

  3. Dido Says:

    Yes, thank you again for the hospitality! PS's house is lovely and just filled with her mother's wonderful art--you should post a picture of that "Celebration" 3D collage sometime. Lovely kitty, too, who ran away the first time I walked in the house but by the evening had chilled out enough to curl up next to me for a few minutes while I was reading. Lots of plants outside and of course the lovely new patio, which we did manage to spend a few minutes out on after our walk Saturday evening.

  4. My English Castle Says:

    I think Dido and PS should've adopted a llama. Think how exciting the blogs would become!

  5. rob62521 Says:

    Sounds like a fabulous visit!

  6. pjmama Says:

    Sounds like such a great visit! Also I'm totally with My English Castle - the llama blog is a great idea...

  7. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    What a lovely visit Smile

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