We're supposed to be in the grips of a nor'easter right now but nothing's come down out of the sky for several hours.
We were all told we could work from home today. I just finished up so I'm free until Monday.
The oil delivery guy called and wants to deliver tomorrow instead of Friday, so more pressure on me to have the driveway shoveled.
Dad wants to come over tomorrow so we can place the order for his new adjustable bed together. He thought we'd have to drive back to the store (45 min). I don't think we need to; we can just pay by credit card over the phone and schedule the delivery. I'm happy he's buying it, and I hope it will result in a better night's sleep.
Also tomorrow, I am scheduled to have my tires rotated at BJs at noon, and tomorrow night I have part II of my retirement strategies class. I just hope the snow isn't so bad that I have trouble clearing the driveway for all these events.
A small herd of 6 deer passed through the backyard a little while ago: some does and older fawns. Can't imagine what they find to eat this time of year (besides my rhododendron bush).
I'm doing my 2nd load of laundry and am hang-drying it indoors.
I'm going to have a very small paycheck for last week; I only worked about 12 hours, and this week, 18.5 hours. I'm not too concerned; I'm still ahead of where I should be for March because I worked full-time for the 1st 2 months of the year. Things will no doubt even out by year's end. Like the story of the 3 bears, I need to earn "not too much" and "not too little." The sweet spot will be between $36K and $42K.
Wherefore art thou, snow?
March 21st, 2018 at 07:17 pm
March 21st, 2018 at 09:46 pm 1521668792
March 22nd, 2018 at 12:35 am 1521678917
March 22nd, 2018 at 07:03 pm 1521745380
After 4 Nor'easters this month, for most of which we had work-at-home days due to the weather warnings, Wednesday's storm ended up being the only one where we got significant snow fall, about a foot.
March 24th, 2018 at 09:57 pm 1521928644