Home > Oh brother, my Brother

Oh brother, my Brother

January 14th, 2025 at 02:34 pm

Recently, my 10-year-old Canon laser jet printer finally stopped working, and I had to buy a new printer.  I paid more upfront for a laser printer, hoping to do better in the long run than spending increasingly ridiculous amounts of money (like $35) on those little ink cartridges.

I decided to just get a b/w printer. I don't use it often but do require it from time to time, for things like my upcoming tax return, which I do myself and so need to print out all the forms.

I got a Brother model that came highly recommended by a few review sites.

But oh, brother, what a hassle it was to connect it with my desktop computer. I had to call my Internet company (Frontier), and since I couldn't remember my rarely used PW for my WiFi, the rep said I'd have to change the password. That's really what started all my problems, because then my 3 Rokus no longer worked. It took a good part of yesterday afternoon to get this all sorted out. They decided to ship me a (free) Eero for the fiber, but even though we had finally fixed the problem on the phone, she said just keep it in case I have problems again.


3 Responses to “Oh brother, my Brother”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    We've become slaves to our devices. They are wonderful when they work, but when they don't. look out! Glad you got it all figured out and hope that printer is a money saver!

  2. Amber Says:

    Yikes! I’m going to need a new printer soon and you’re right those little ink cartridges are ridiculously pricey

  3. Tabs Says:

    Ah, Brother printers. I remember they had some of the best per-page-printed costs out there. Thought about getting one myself once, but it would involve ditching my currently still working printer.

    And yeah, these printers have always been such a pain to work with.

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