The tadpole rescue continues.
Several dozen appeared in my father's rain barrel earlier in the summer. I have sunk a bucket in there to capture a few at a time....the tricky little things dive to the bottom when they see the shadow looming....and carry them 200 feet to a small brook that feeds into a pond on my sister's property. They don't seem to have increased in size at all, and I feel we are running out of time as they have nothing to eat in the rain barrel and we've had a few frosts already. I don't know for sure how they'll do where I'm releasing them, but it's got to be better than the rain barrel. It's quite muddy, a very shallow brook with a small current, so i would think they could bury themselves in mud? I don't know if tadpoles overwinter that way.
Yesterday I saw an interesting meal delivery service on my Facebook feed and decided to give it a try. What intrigued me, plant-based eater that I am, is that all their recipes are based on Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen foods you should be eating. They had reasonable prices; most dishes were $9 each. The food does not arrive's actually freeze-dried, and you rehydrate it with a cup of water, wait 10 minutes and then it's done.
I WANT to love it, but of course it will come down to how good does it taste. It's a monthly subscription you can cancel any time.
My BJs membership expired today, and while I like shopping there, i dislike the $55 membership fee. So during the past month, I stocked up on a few items I use a lot of , so I may not even notice the lack of BJs in my life for several months. If I rejoin later, like 3 months from now, that would reduce my annual membership costs by 25%. Also, if I wait long enough, I may be able to be treated as a "new" member and use one of those half-price membership offers I always see.
I caught up with Dido last weekend at our rendevous in PA, a roughly equidistant drive for both of us. We got our bearings at the coffee shop, then wandered through downtown and some outlying residential streets, and then had a nice lunch on the porch of an old inn. (Not the one shown below!)
Just a pretty little inn....
Comfort food at its best! Meatballs and ricotta.
We both tried the tomato soup.
A local business getting in the spirit....
Autumnal street scene
The coffee shop where we met.
November 1st, 2023 at 04:05 am 1698811522
Regarding BJs, I get a coupon every month to join for $25, I’m sure you’ll be getting them soon.
I also found Hello Freshon Facebook, I got a deal but as soon as it goes up I’m canceling. The meals are great
November 1st, 2023 at 06:28 pm 1698863322
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