Dad and I saw Darkest Hour at the brand new cineplex in his town. We both liked it, and we sure were pleased with the recliner seats, too. They have 8 screens there, but because all the seats recline, the total number of seats is much less, yet the ticket prices were $10/$8.
I was leafing through my town's continuing ed offerings and saw an interesting one-time class on strategies you can use to "get closer to a tax-free retirement."
For the $29 fee, I figured it might be worth checking it out; the firm, USA Financial & Tax Services, LLC, is part of, or a partner of, Capital Asset Advisory Services, LLC, an RIA.
I became very interested in this subject after hearing a few things Dido said about the desirability of doing some Roth conversions during low-income years to lower my RMDs once I hit 70.5. My town's property tax credit is also tied to a lower income below a certain amount, so it would behoove me to do this since RMDs, combined with Social Security payments I would be collecting at that point, would bump me into a higher bracket.
I was never able to project that far into the future before (me, 70??), but I can see what Dido means that for early retirees, you can coast along through your 60s not paying too much in taxes, perhaps (e.g., if you're not working but not yet collecting SS either), but then once you hit 70, the government wants to start getting its payback on all those tax-deferred years you held your traditional IRAs.
There was another continuing ed class ($39), also in March, more generally addressing "Financial Strategies for Successful Retirement." They promise no products/investments will be offered. This one is for 3 weeks (3 classes and rquires an additional $30 materials fee, so it's a bit more of a commitment. Hmmm.
I had hoped to get into my taxes more deeply this weekend, but I still am missing one important 1099, and while I have a pretty good idea of what I grossed, I'd rather not have it be off even a few dollars since that number will then mess up all my other numbers on the tax form.
What will you be doing when the Superbowl is on tonight? Will you be watching? I won't, but there was an interesting PBS show on about red foxes I may tune into, since I have seen red foxes here (very rarely) on my property.
Since I spent yesterday afternoon at the movies with Dad, I didn't get all my grocery shopping done,and so I have a choice today: lounge around at home or run out the door to Trader Joe's, BJ's and Aldi's?
I counted 8 44-lb boxes of cat litter in the basement, so now that I have just the one cat, I think I actually have a 16-month supply. Thank goodness, those things are heavy.
What will you be doing during the Super Bowl?
February 4th, 2018 at 02:08 pm
February 4th, 2018 at 02:13 pm 1517753619
That's a lot of kitty litter! I thought 56 lbs. was a lot! But I'm sure you have a lot more storage space than I do.
February 4th, 2018 at 05:03 pm 1517763786
Ha, no Superbowl here. I *do* however, happen to know who is playing this year, which is unusual, but living w/in 50 miles of Philly, it's unavoidable. I went out to breakfast this morning and all the wait-staff were in Eagles tees.
I am spending the morning working and studying and in the afternoon at home cooking & cleaning. My internet has been out at home since August 5th and, since I live only a mile away from work, I've just been spending a lot of time in the office rather than dealing with getting it re-established. But since there is bound to be an ice storm at some point, I need to get back online. Plus I'm paying for service that I'm not using--which definitely has me thinking about canceling the landline phone (which I have bundled with the internet), but first I'll do something to keep the phone number--probably will give in and finally get a smartphone and have the landline number moved there and keep the other super-cheap cell phone as a back-up.
February 4th, 2018 at 05:32 pm 1517765545
I will be watching the game. I watch every year and have for as long
as I can remember. Even though my team has never played in a/the Super
Bowl. I may also read a book while "watching" (listening) to the game.
My Super Bowl tradition is to also have/make a big pot of chili. Which is
always nice on a snowy day to boot.
February 4th, 2018 at 07:07 pm 1517771246
I just had the last online chat of my novel class, so I think I'll spend some time today trying to organize my thoughts and formulate a revision plan for the rest of the year (or for the first few steps, at least).
February 4th, 2018 at 08:37 pm 1517776654
That's a lot of kitty litter!
February 4th, 2018 at 10:41 pm 1517784076
February 5th, 2018 at 12:25 am 1517790328