It feels positively GREAT, sunny and in the warm 40s. Tomorrow will be in the 50s!
I accomplished the following:
1. Washed my car (badly needed)
2. Vacuumed my car
3. Swept out the garage
I had 4 large pots of daffodils in the back of the garage and they are all coming up, about a month-and-a-half too early. Some are about 4 inches high already.
I thought about putting them in a protected corner that gets full morning sun in my driveway, but it will still get down to upper 30s overnight and this unusual warmth will not last forever, so I put them in front of a large sunny window in garage instead. They will probably end up blooming in the garage where I can't enjoy them.
I had a salmon burger for lunch (still using up non-vegan foods).
Because it will be warm for all of next week, I also released a bunch of ladybugss which hatched in my sunny bathroom. I don't know how they get in there, but they do.
Can't believe we only have another week-and-a-half to go in February, and then it will be March.
I have slightly less than a half tank of heating oil left, which should last at least 2 weeks, maybe a bit more. Meteorologist said we're in for a snowy start to March.
Spring thaw doings
February 18th, 2017 at 06:27 pm
February 19th, 2017 at 07:19 pm 1487531978
I've been loving the weather the past few days. Walking in the sunshine!
February 20th, 2017 at 09:50 pm 1487627433
February 22nd, 2017 at 04:51 pm 1487782283
Here's a link to sign up
February 22nd, 2017 at 09:02 pm 1487797372
February 23rd, 2017 at 04:23 am 1487823803