Home > Sunday stuff

Sunday stuff

February 6th, 2017 at 12:14 am

Let's see, here's what I did today:

1. I walked 85 minutes...excellent! It was fairly mild out, for February, at about 37 degrees.

I walked in an area that has one main trail going straight but then there are multiple side trails you can take into and around open meadows, like this one.

It really wasn't as desolate as this barn photo makes it seem. There were a fair number of dog walkers and hikers about.

I tend to seek out out-of-the-way trails; this one was new to me and meandered along a river until I decided to turn around due to mud.

2. I continued working on my newest higher education assignment (online schools in Montana).

That's about it!

In other news, I was very disappointed at what I got from Safeco for spending 3 long months driving like a granny.

I earned a 17% discount, which I thought was off the entire premium of $900, or $150. No, I got just $57. I have to call them tomorrow to see how they calculated that. I think I'll just drop my collision at the same time to achieve an instant $211 savings, especially since, not working, I'm also driving very little. The discount is for every year, moving forward, so that's something. I hope that my dropping the collision that doesn't affect my discount.

2 Responses to “Sunday stuff”

  1. alice4now Says:

    Lovely scenery for a long walk!

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    What a lovely place for a walk!

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