I was getting ready to head out to run several errands when I got a call out of the blue from a recruiter about a remote, p/t, 3-month contract job.
Even though it's of limited duration and only pays $20 an hour (I usually average between $30 and $50/hr for contract work), I would love to get this job since it would represent the first steady work I've had in nearly 6 months.
The company is about an hour from here and is in the IVF business, helping infertile couples conceive.
Doing this work would add to my healthcare copywriting body of work, making it easier to get more healthcare writing jobs in the future when I have a largely financial services copywriting background. I've always had the interest in doing this but employers tend to pigeonhole you, making it difficult to do anything different than what you've BEEN doing. It's always good to broaden your horizons and your capabilities.
I sent the recruiter my latest resume version, which includes the volunteer writing I'm doing for NutritionFacts.org, which should help, along with a bunch of healthcare-related writing samples. Even though I've done mostly financial copywriting, while at the bank I wrote some healthcare-related case studies for the bank's small business division, and also some medical debt web stories while working for another employer a few years back.
So I'm sort of holding my breath and afraid to leave the house, in case the recruiter calls and wants to schedule an interview. I haven't asked the recruiter if they are exclusive with their client or if they're competing with other agencies, which is usually the case.
Holding my breath
January 11th, 2017 at 03:47 pm
January 11th, 2017 at 03:50 pm 1484149847
January 11th, 2017 at 05:29 pm 1484155776
January 11th, 2017 at 06:12 pm 1484158338
January 12th, 2017 at 03:15 am 1484190952
January 13th, 2017 at 07:08 pm 1484334514