Home > As the world turns

As the world turns

September 6th, 2014 at 06:31 pm

It's hot as heck today. As it was yesterday. The humidity is way, way high. We're supposed to get thunderstorms this afternoon, and then tomorrow should feel much better.

I got a small editing job from a former freelance client. I've edited two of her self-published books. I gave her a price to edit the third over 6 months ago and she kept promising I could start on the book "in a few weeks," "next month," etc. I learned a long time ago not to take her at her word. It's a little annoying, but at least now, I really don't need the work.

She finally got a job so her money problems have improved, but then she informed me she was trying to get an agent and if she got one, they would handle the editing. So the small job is simply editing the 1st 15-20 pages of her manuscript, which she will send along to agents with a query.

Her character is a sexy, independent woman living in the 1960s, so she encouraged me to listen to "These Boots Are Made for Walking" by Nancy Sinatra before I began editing. I found it on You Tube and it was quite amusing to watch.

I went to Marshall's today and nearly bought a $70 quilt/coverlet with pillow shams. It was pretty, but I don't really need it, and I'm trying too keep my center linen closet from becoming overflowing with stuff again. It was very hard to walk away from that purchase. I'm not used to doing that. I have lately been feeling the urge to spend, mainly because I can now afford to. Trying my best not to do that as I'd rather spend on bigger home improvements like a new entry door or a new kitchen or a generator or... or... or...there are so many things I could spend on.

I also stopped in at a local garden nursery that had advertised its "Open House" this weekend. I'm pretty sure it was their effort to attract more customers at a time of year when no one really feels like gardening. As far as I could tell, it was a day like any other day except that 1. A man offered me a hot dog from the grill near the entrance and 2. They had a raffle for a few items, which I would have liked to have entered, but since there was no indication whether you had to buy the tickets and there was a line at the cash register, I didn't hang around to find out.

Too much stuff to do this weekend which I know I won't get to.

The guy I found on Angie's List, well, I've given up on. We've played "phone tag" all week, which was totally unnecessary since I left him my work and home phone numbers and told him i work 9 to 5. Yet he continued to leave messages for me at home. If he doesn't have the time or motivation to figure it out, I guess he doesn't really need the job. Next.

Tomorrow's my next pickup of produce from the farm, yet i still have a bunch of kale left over from last week, plus some pole beans. I whipped up a (raw) kale salad for lunch with walnuts, dried cranberries, diced onion and grated carrot with a dressing of maple syrup, Dijon mustard, olive oil and lemon.

Delicious. A very healthy power lunch.

Met my dad and sister for dinner Thursday night. He'd come up to pick up the rest of the firewood I had for him. My sister gave me a 2 pound tomato from her garden. Well, I haven't weighed it yet; that's what my dad called it.

Next week there's an arts festival in town. I may go. Any kind of fair or festival with an admission fee was something I stopped doing years ago. This is the first one in a very long time. Again, I can afford it. I may invite a friend to join me.

5 Responses to “As the world turns”

  1. snafu Says:

    If you're still interested in selling your home and buying a condo in the next 5 years or so, you might begin a long term plan for the updates/upgrades that would add the most value. It's satisfying to be able to personally use those having put up with the inconvenience of the process. In our area housing prices took off in February and are reaching 'outrageous.' Worse yet, trades are in short supply and prices for materials and work has escalated at least three times last year's prices. I'm kicking myself for not carrying out my plan to have hardwood installed when I had the sum set aside for more than 5 years. [had good reasons but giant mistake on my part]

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I would go to the Arts Festival too. They had those when I lived in Dallas, and I really enjoyed them.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    I like the sound of your dressing. What were the proportions?

  4. PatientSaver Says:

    maple syrup, Dijon mustard, olive oil and lemon

    Oh, it was i believe 2 t. maple syrup, 1 teaspoon mustard, 2 T. olive oil and 2 t. lemon. But you could adjust to suit your taste. I approximate everything!

  5. CB in the City Says:

    I do, too!


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