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All the jobs I ever had....

October 6th, 2012 at 02:06 pm

I read a post over at My Money blog where the author listed every single job he'd ever had. I've had a ton of jobs over the years, so i thought it's be "fun" to do the same. Here they are in chronological order, along with some of the highlights of the jobs and why the job ended...

In High School...
Typist at a company where my mother worked as a secretary. Back in the day, we still used "White Out" to correct typos on typewriters, and I sure had a lot of them to correct!
Assistant at a small p/c insurance office. I was so efficient, I worked myself out of the job, and my boss didn't have the heart to tell me to my face, so he left me a note along with a $100 going away present.
Assembly line worker at a factory that made street lights. I got accidentally shocked any number of times. This was a dangerous job. I was testing streetlights in a simulated dark booth that simulated dawn and dusk to make sure they went on...and they were supposed to. You had to work fast and if you weren't careful to turn off the switch before you pulled out half a dozen circuits at a time, you got zapped. This was a summer job.

In college...
Nurse's aide at a nursing home (a summer job)Depressing. A diabetic, double-leg amputee who snarled and growled at everyone, a parapalegic in his 40s living there, waiting to die, and I witnessed abuse of an elderly woman by another nurse's aide.
Home health aide for a man with progressive MS (a summer job) Ironic, isn't it? In his younger days, he was a professional comedian. I left him on a Friday and returned on Monday to find him collapsed on the floor, unable to get up. I had to call an ambulance and he later died of a brain anuerism in the hospital. It was pretty upsetting.
Assistant in the principal's office of a high school (did this for 3 of the 4 years i was in college)

After graduating college...
Chambermaid at a summer cottage colony on Cape Cod. Also did some babysitting for a pretty well-known NY artist who stayed there and whose daughter took a liking to me. A temporary job til i found something better.
Assistant at an art gallery on Cape Cod (Visual Images). An interim-type job while i figured out what I wanted to do with my life.
News reporter for a chain of weekly newspapers. My beat was the towns of Harwich, Dennis and Chatham. Left to take the next journalism job.
News reporter, lifestyles editor and weekly columnist for an afternoon daily newspaper in New Hampshire (CT river valley area). Highlights: I interviewed George McGovern and John Glenn in the 1984 NH primary when they ran for president. And while I had many front page stories, my interview of the family of a teen arrested for a gruesome murder really won the respect of my editor. Left when I decided to return to CT to be closer to family.
Office manager and newsletter editor for a non-profit conservation group. I won an award for the newsletter. This job was a lot of fun although i didn't really appreciate it at the time. Very low pay, left to make more money.
Marketing writer for a real estate company. I was hired twice by the company, about 10 years apart from each other, and I'm still freelancing for them regularly to this day. Lots of variety in this job though the pay was on the low side. Laid off both times.
Communications manager for a trade group that investigated insurance fraud cases. This was a truly interesting and very unique job. Company relocated to Chicago area.
Senior Marketing Writer/compliance specialist for a company marketing its own mutual funds and variable annuities. I was here 7 years, and this is the job I credit with giving me a solid foundation in retirement planning knowledge and investing. It's also the first job where my income really began to take off. In 1999, I made the most I will likely ever make in my lifetime in a single year, $130K, thanks to some well-timed stock option sales. Burnt out by workload and a long commute, so I left for the next job...

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