Here's what I did today:
1. After waking up late, (around 8:30 am) so uncharacteristic of me, I had my breakfast and then headed out to return the Mac to the publisher's where I did the contract work. Neither the woman who trained me or the editor in chief was in (seems they never are) but as I was writing a little note to the trainer, another gal there who'd I'd met before told me that the trainer had found a new job and left last week! That was a bit of a surprise, since she held the f/t job I'd originally applied for last summer. So she was only there 6 months. I'm sure that she left either for more money or because the editor in chief seems a bit bitchy to deal with. Anyway, bitchy or not, that presents some further possible job opportunities for me, so I was sure to leave a nicely worded, "don't hesitate to call me if I can help again..." type note for the editor in chief.
2. Stopped at Target to pick up 10 Lean Cuisines at a great price of $2 each, plus I got a $5 gift card for my troubles, plus I can use the codes inside each box toward the magazine subscription I want to earn through their rewards program. (I've already decided to pick up another 10 for another gift card when I'm down that way on Thursday.) And I do find LCs handy for a quick lunch when I don't feel like cooking.
3. After Target I stopped at CVS for 5 cans of tuna at .59 each. I wouldn't be running hither and yon for such small savings, but it's very nearby.
4. I also stopped at the PO (on my route) to mail off a UBS cable to the research assistant with the nutrition study that I'd forgotten to give her at my last visit.
5. Another quick stop at local grocer for a 4 lb. bag of oranges ($3), zucchini (.99/lb) and salmon ($6/lb)
6. After a quick (Lean Cuisine) lunch, I did the 2nd coat of "Pebble White" paint on the window trim in spare bedroom. I can see that I will still need a THIRD coat cus it looks just a bit blotchy in certain areas; the somewhat dark teal color the trim used to be is the reason. I'm thrilled/relieved that after much procrastination, I'm finally making some progress on one of several undone interior updates here.
7. In the realm of cooking, I made a delicious salmon corn chowder (I indulged Waldo with some salmon, which he adores) and now have a blueberry crisp baking in the convection oven. It's my grandmother's recipe; have used it hundreds of times, usually with apples, but sometimes with blueberries or blueberries/peaches. Or with wineberries. I just cut back on the butter and sugar to let the natural sweetness of the berries come through. Really tasty.
I guess that's about it. I found a large plastic sheet to put over my firewood and protect it from getting wet. It's very cold out today and tomorrow, too.
I haven't heard about that transcriptionist job and am wondering if, once again, I will have reason to think I will get it only to find, inexplicably, that I didn't. I have mixed feelings about the job in any case. If I compare it to the publisher's, the pay is about the same but the publisher's is a MUCH easier drive. And the publisher is much more amenable to work at home arrangements while the other place isn't. Although after many years of working, I trust my hunch that the editor in chief could be problematic to deal with. Although if I remained freelance it wouldn't matter much. However, it would be heavenly if I had a shot at a job with health insurance.
Tomorrow I'll be headed for the library to read the weekly paper I gave up, get some free DVDs and see if they have tax forms yet. Then the 3rd coat on the trim. I'm on a roll.
Productive day in many ways
January 4th, 2012 at 12:45 am
January 4th, 2012 at 02:34 am 1325644495
January 4th, 2012 at 04:30 am 1325651411
January 6th, 2012 at 02:34 am 1325817259
BTW, I heard on a radio financial show that libraries and post offices may no longer carry tax forms...the IRS is really pushing efiling, and you can get the basic forms on the internet.
January 6th, 2012 at 04:56 am 1325825815
January 6th, 2012 at 02:01 pm 1325858498
2 cups broth or water
2 cups cooked salmon, in pieces
2 cans cream style corn
2 small zucchini, thinly sliced
1 or 2 carrots, shredded
1/2 cup onion, chopped
1 red pepper, sliced (optional)
2 T. dill weed
Cook the onion in 1/4 cup of the liquid til softened in a big pot. Then add the rest of the ingredients except the carrots. Cook for 20 minutes, then add the carrots. Cook for 5 more minutes.
January 7th, 2012 at 02:18 am 1325902704