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So what's everyone doing for New Year's?

December 31st, 2011 at 01:44 am

Just curious what you're doing...

Today was another relatively mild day here in CT, and supposed to be like that through the weekend. I still have a half tank of oil left, which should get me through January.

I hauled some more cut up tree logs and brush to the driveway. I think I have close to a cord stacked now.

Didn't do much else today. I have at least 3 unfinished projects around the house, off the top of my head, but no inclination to tackle any of them. A half painted spare bedroom. A half wallpapered bathroom. Ugh.

So nice to see my mortgage balance in 4 figures for the first time ever! The countdown begins!!

I changed my electricity provider (not the first time) for the coming year. The state has a website where you can compare the cost of about 20 different companies. Why would anyone go with a company offering less than the lowest rate?? I just don't get it. There's no fee to switch, and no fee to cancel, which you can do at any time. It's a no-brainer.

So I switched from ConEd, who last year offered the lowest price, at 8.4 cents per kilowatt hour, to 7.98 cents were kilowatt hour with Dominion.

You might say, what a teensy difference, why bother? Well, if you consider that you use electricity every hour of the day, 24 hours a day, then it's really worth investigating. Becus it really adds up.

I switched out all my bulbs to CFLs years ago and still I noticed my 2011 electrical costs were 4% cheaper than the year before. I have to think it's becus I shaved off a few cents last year switching electricity providers and that made a difference. Let's see if I can do it again in 2012.

11 Responses to “So what's everyone doing for New Year's?”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    We are having mild weather in the midwest too. So nice for December!! We will stay home with the kids and play board and card games until midnight. We usually do appetizers rather than a full meal.

    What will you do?

  2. littlegopher Says:

    During the day, we'll take the tree down - everything else is put away already. Clean up the pine needles. Later we're doing similar as creditcardfree - spend time with our two youngest (with mom & dad struggling to stay up to midnightSmile

    Happy New Year!!

  3. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    Great post! I laughed out loud when you said "but no inclination to tackle any of them". I can relate! I figure I'm doing well if I can at least make a list.

    Yup, CFLs bulbs are the way to go. 74% savings over incandescents and fewer times to replace them. Keep the receipts and return for a new one for free if it dies before the warranty period. Just tape the receipt to the box and highlight the date you purchase and the warranty period.

    New Years is spent with the immediate family at our cottage. Movies, watching the ball drop, good books, games, with the fire going. And a nice glass of dry white, natch!

  4. ThriftoRama Says:

    We are going to a (child free) friend's party. The kids are going to grandma's for the night. In a few years, when my kids are old enough to actually stay up late every once in a while, I'd like to think we;d have a party for all of our friends and their kids, with shirley temples, confetti, and fun. But we aren't there yet!

  5. My English Castle Says:

    We were going to stay in, but think we'll go to see "Hugo" tomorrow in the late afternoon --and then somewhere quiet, moderate, and child-friendly for an early dinner. We've been playing Yahtzee in the evenings--partly to help DD's math, so I predict we'll have another couple games tomorrow night. Have a Happy New Year--and great job on that 4-figure mortgage!

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    NYE we will be going to Pasadena, CA to look at lights and check out the parade crowd - we might throw some marshmallows too. Smile Then we'll probably play Kings Corner and/or watch a movie til time for the ball to drop. NYD I'll be flying home and hopefully do some grocery shopping. Smile

  7. baselle Says:

    Nice quiet night at home with DH. I'll get to meet Spondilucks in the afternoon. I know, I know, 2 north Seattle bloggers here in SA and we've never met. I picked up a lovely bottle of prosecco for midnight.

  8. Campfrugal Says:

    Had breakfast out with my favorite neighbor lady, going to yoga class, then cookin and ham, potatoes, brocolli and some dessert for dinner, play yahtzee with the kids, probably get in a nap and wake up just in time to watch the ball drop. Great day.

    Big New Year's Day dinner party tomorrow with one side of the family. Lookin forward to it.

  9. ceejay74 Says:

    Going out to some friends' house tonight; they have older kids so AA should have fun. Probably home before midnight, mostly for the benefit of preggo AS, who gets very tired early these days.

    They're cooking an array of Italian/Mediterranean dishes, so we're bringing fancy olives and artichoke dip. Should be fun!

  10. EarlyRetirementJoy Says:

    FrugalTexas75 - They seem to prefer throwing tortilla's covered in shaving cream in Pasadena on New Years over marshmellows . . . it's quite the scene if you haven't experienced it before!

    Tonight, for the first time in years we are NOT going to a New Years Eve dance at one of our nearby dance studios. Not sure why, come to think of it, perhaps we just wanted to remember what staying in feels like! Neither DH or I enjoy champagne all that much, so we are opening a bottle of Opolo Mountain Zinfindel, one of our favorite wines from one of our favorite wineries in Paso Robles, here in California.

  11. Frugaltexan75 Says:

    Oh yes, we got initiated to the tortillas last year. We go to Pasadena every year we are in southern CA - at least NYE. Been there many many times. Smile

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