Home > The dryer's gone kaput

The dryer's gone kaput

December 24th, 2011 at 10:27 pm

Inexplicably, it just stopped running in the middle of a load of laundry I was drying. I guess it had a major coronary cus now it won't run at all.

I made a half-hearted attempt to rule out the obvious stuff, but i'm not very mechanical and truth be told, it's 16 years old.

Funny, how it went out just a few months after the washing machine did. I bought them both at the same time, both Whirlpools that I bought when I moved into the house.

I GUESS i got my money's worth,though a dryer is pretty much a dryer and I don't want to spend a nickel if I don't have to.

The most affordable dryer I found was a GE with pretty good reviews for $300, delivered, from Home Depot. the offer for free delivery lasts through January, I think.

I don't know, I may hold off ordering it in the hope that I come across some huge sale somewhere. I occasionally dry my clothes in the house in the winter months by draping them over everything! Actually, they dry pretty well becus the heat in here is so dry.

5 Responses to “The dryer's gone kaput”

  1. NJDebbie Says:

    My washer went kaput a week ago, but luckily we bought one second hand from my hubby's aunt for $200 (front loader, almost new and with a storage pedastal). I barely use my dryer because I hang the clothes in racks most of the time.

  2. Dido Says:

    Aww, too bad. Do you have any mechanical friends who could give it a look-see in case they see/know something you missed? (I definitely cultivate my friendships with friends with mechanical know-how for these kinds of situations).

    My basement is actually strung with four clotheslines up and down the whole length--the prior owner lived on disability and I guess she used the downstairs/winter drying method a lot! (There are also outdoor clotheslines strung as well.)

    Sometimes I use them to dry, but actually, I confess, hanging over those clotheslines is where at least half of my clothing permanently resides.

  3. CCraw Says:

    Sorry to hear that your dryer went out, maybe you can find a good used one on Craigslist or maybe it just needs a minor repair. Happy Holidays PatientSaver!

  4. M E 2 Says:

    Just a small FYI/heads up, my last dryer was a GE and about 2 years ago it started acting up, the repair guy was horrified that I had a GE and he said they are crap. When I told him it was close to 10 years old he told me to consider myself very lucky it lasted that long. It did finally die in September (of this year)

    BTW, the repair guy highly recommended we go with Whirlpool.

  5. MonkeyMama Says:

    I've had great luck with very used dryers in the past. Also, some parts places will help you if you just call (will suggest parts to replace, etc.). Of course, I would think the most frugal move would just be to go used. Unless the phone diagnosis is spot on, may just be wasting money to try and fix it.

    Of course, we took a 30+ year old dryer off the hands of Grandma when we bought this house, but I bought several used appliances when I lived with roommates - were much newer, and dryer was maybe $50. It might have been a 1-year-old dryer. OF course, with all the foreclosures around here, good used appliances come very cheap.

    Good Luck!

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