Home > 3 Pounds, 3 Ounces...What a Beauty

3 Pounds, 3 Ounces...What a Beauty

August 10th, 2010 at 05:22 pm

Isn't she a beauty?

I plan to eat her tonight.

This a.m. I turned in my Census bag and ID badge, so it's official. I'm done! I wished my crew leader (and her husband, who just got laid off) luck in finding a new job. She wished me the same.

I'm meeting a friend for lunch in a little while; it was a rescheduled birthday lunch for me that never came about last week. And I have a coupon good for a free appetizer, which we can split.

I went to the dump yesterday, but now the dump is closed on Mondays, so this was the SECOND time I had to return back home with my smelly trash and unload it back into the cans. The worst!! Went to the dump again today and got rid of it, finally.

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