Home > Wednesday words

Wednesday words

September 21st, 2016 at 03:02 pm

Not sure how I'm supposed to get any work done here...

Hairy monster.

Yesterday's Meals:

Breakfast: My own granola with generous serving of fresh raspberries and unsweetened almond milk.

Lunch: An entire Trader Joe's pesto/broccoli frozen pizza. Dessert: Soy ice cream sandwich. One Brazil nut (supplies the day's requirement of Vit. E)

Dinner: Strangely did not feel hungry but I did make a banana/nectarine/almond milk smoothie and then around 9 pm I sliced up a half a cucumber and ate it plain, including the antioxidant-rich skin.

Waiting for the furnace guy to come and clean/tune up the furnace for the winter season. Once he's come and gone, I want to head over to a nearby Audubon center to do a LONG walk. I'm a bit behind on my walking for this week. I'll stop at Shop Rite on the way home and deposit a $212 check I received for freelance editing.

3 Responses to “Wednesday words”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I often don't feel hungry at dinnertime either. I'm definitely a lunch eater.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Hope you had a good walk.

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I often am fighting to see my computer screen, or be able to type around several cats. I've been contemplating how to get my monitor up higher ..

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