Home > Day 6, 365 Days of Gratitude

Day 6, 365 Days of Gratitude

January 7th, 2016 at 12:42 am

Not surprising, I'm sure, but I am grateful for all my mother's beautiful artwork.

Here's one I'm not selling:

I forget the might be Winter Grove.

Today was my first day back in the office since December 21. It was at times hard to concentrate, but getting back in my usual routine I think was very good.

My friends at work got me a lovely orchid and a card that everyone signed, so that was very nice. I had a long talk with my boss about what happened. And on this, my first day back, my other out-of-state boss (I have 2 now) asked me if I could start driving up there for meetings every 2 weeks, or at least every month.

Right now I go up there for quarterly meetings, and that's plenty. It's 6 hours of driving in a single day plus a full day of work. It's exhausting. And I can't stay overnight because, well, they're not offering to pay for a hotel and I also have a hyperactive thyroid cat who needs his meds twice daily.

I consulted with my original boss and she gave me her feedback on the email I'd composed to boss #2 explaining why I can't do this. She said a lot of the people in that office never travel down here and so don't realize how long a trip it really is. She agreed with me that no matter how many meetings I traveled to attend up there, it would never be the same as if I lived and worked up there with the rest of the people in my department. But I don't need camaraderie to write stuff.

This is not the job I applied for in 2013, but I wasn't consulted when they chose to have me report to a new team and expand my responsibilities (with no pay increase). If I knew it would involve frequent travel, I wouldn't have applied for the job and in fact I have chosen to not consider many jobs for that reason.

Perhaps if this was 20 years ago and I wanted to climb a ladder or two, but at this point in my life, pretty close to retirement, I'm really not interested in promotions, and my boss #1 agreed there really isn't much room for advancement for a writer at the bank anyway, not unless they greatly increased the number of writers there. But management has never interested me; that's why I'm still a writer after 30 years, because that's what I like to do.

So anyway, I'm sure she will be unhappy but she won't be able to do much. I doubt I can be terminated since I am still very much needed by boss #1.

7 Responses to “Day 6, 365 Days of Gratitude”

  1. Kiki Says:

    That is a beautiful picture.

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I don't think I'd want to do that either (driving so far, so often.) I barely tolerate driving - only do it because, well, how else would I get around most places? And that's not even driving in traffic ...

    Lovely picture.

  3. Carol Says:

    That picture is gorgeous.

  4. VS_ozgirl Says:

    That picture is so calming, your mother was very talented.

  5. jillbean Says:

    Is there any way you can participate in the meeting electronically? Conference call, Skype or gottomeeting or some other tech option?? Seems like there would be a way to "be there" live without physically driving. I haven't done this at my work myself, but know others that have and they can even be editing the same document live from multiple locations (google drive, etc).

  6. CB in the City Says:

    I was going to recommend Skype, too. In this day and age, demanding physical presence (when it is so inconvenient to the staff members) is a bit draconian.

    The work I have done on the board for the past four years has mostly been done by telephone, since the board members are spread all over the state. I don't believe anything was lost in the translation.

  7. Livingalmostlarge Says:

    I love the picture.

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